Monday, September 7, 2009

Sorry to those who read this...

I'd like to apologize
I've been horrid at updating this thing.
I've been working on a new project. It's consuming most of my free time and then some. Can't talk about it just yet.
Details..... sometime soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Homemade Foods!

I've been posting photos onto Facebook and Twitter for the previous two months of the food I've been cooking @ home.

This is food produced in my home/apartment by me. These are dishes often without all the flair. They have been made within a few hours without many professional tools, and not often planned more than a day ahead.

Here's a sampling:


I love fresh fruit.

For the most part, I did not as a child. After all, who wants fruit when you can eat all the other lovely things packed w/ HFCS? Now that I have a much greater appreciation for what enters my mouth (and eat and live much better because of it), many fresh fruits that I had no real interest in before showed up on my radar.

Peaches are a new one for me this year. I, of course, have eaten a peach previous to this year. However, after the crop this season, I seriously wonder if I've ever been eating the right peaches.

I have been eating a number of them fresh, but I decided I'd try to capture their flavor for later this year. As a part of this, I've made 2 peach sorbets in the last 48 hours.

Above we have pictures of both of the peach sorbets I made. The first (top) is a Caramelized Peach Sorbet made with local yellow donut peaches, organic white peaches, rum (for background), sugar, & water. The second being a Fresh White Peach Sorbet again w/ organic white peaches, a hint of rum, sugar and water. Both were about a quart finished product.

Anyone else out there with any fruit favorite this year??

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome to GrubRoot.

You'll find more info about your wonderful host by checking out my profile to the right.... yeah.... over there ------------>

I'm starting off this blog, even though I've semi started it already via facebook, with a bit about my garden. It seemed the place to begin w/ a name like grubroot.

I grow my own herbs. I wish I could grow a lot more, but my apartment doesn't allow for much good sunlight. I'm proud of what I've accomplished w/ very little previous knowledge of gardening. I currently have Italian Parsley, Chives, Rosemary (above), Green Onions, Dill, Tarragon, Serrano Peppers(right), 4 types of tomatoes, and 2 semi-dwarf citrus trees. Lavender,

I've built myself an upside down tomato plant setup capable of holding 4 (maybe 5) plants at once. It was a cheap an easy solution that allows me to grow the plants with the tomatoes expanding the size of the plant (via gravity) rather than weighing it down and resulting in tomatoes growing in the dirt. Results have been promising.

The addition of a garden, besides the simple luxury of never having to deal with packaged or bunched herbs again, is only part of my commitment to improve my life and the world's. I hope to continue to expand it, and (unfortunately) replace my current growth.